Lauren Hass

Jun 21, 20232 min

Got Kids? Six June Tips for Artwork, Awards, Clothing, Travel & Parties

It's June and school's out! Parents: it's time to exhale, take stock of what you have and what you might need for summer, and also reflect on all of the stuff your children may have just acquired in the last few weeks (graduation gifts, end-of-season awards, locker contents, etc.).

Before summer fun ramps up, here are six ways to think about decluttering, organizing and being more mindful of what you bring into your home this time of year...

  1. If your kids are young, go through their schoolwork/artwork and be discerning. While you're at it, help them empty their backpacks. If you've ever seen a June lunch in August, you know this is important! Older children should be encouraged to do this on their own.

  2. Give yourself -- and your kids - permission to toss trophies and other end-of-year certificates that your kids don't find particularly meaningful. If you must keep some, purge older ones to make room for the new.

  3. It’s a great time to donate sweaters, jackets and other cold-weather gear, as summer clothing moves into prime real estate in closets and dressers.

  4. Traveling this summer? Avoid bringing home tchotchkes; instead, let your memories keep you smiling long after you return. I know this is tough, but you can do it! If you absolutely must bring home a souvenir, set a budget or limit purchases to just one item per person.

  5. Do your kids need new clothes for summer? Check Facebook to see if your town has its own Buy Nothing group, then join yours and "ask" for what you need! If your town doesn't have a Buy Nothing group, ask friends and family for hand-me-downs before heading to the store.

  6. Hosting a summer party? Borrow backyard games and other hosting necessities instead of purchasing new, using once, and having to store everything somewhere in your home. My friends are the best resource for this, but Buy Nothing groups can be helpful here too.

I hope this list inspires you to think more intentionally about what comes into your home and what is allowed to stay. For more advice, check out this Summer Organizing Guide for Families. Good luck decluttering, organizing, borrowing, minimizing and not-buying...and have a fantastic summer!
