Out and About

UNSTUCK, a course Lauren co-facilitates with Health Coach Cindy Kane, is for women who feel overwhelmed or "stuck." Right now Unstuck is on hold. Contact Lauren to schedule Unstuck
for your group.
Interview with Essential Health CT
It was an honor to be interviewed by Dr. Allie Mendelson of Essential Health CT, as part of her new Life Coaching with Dr. Allie series. Watch the interview and learn all about decluttering and organizing here.

Lauren Earns NAPO Specialist Certificate
Lauren completed the coursework required to earn the NAPO Residential Organizing Specialist Certificate. This new knowledge will allow Lauren to help Clutter Kicker clients even more!

Clutter Kicker profile in The New Haven Register 4.25.22
Clutter Kicker was featured on the front page of The New Haven Register! Read about client success, my thoughts on the process and importance of decluttering, and the truth about how Lauren's home really looks! Click here for article.

Lauren's Interview on Tune-In Radio
Get a glimpse into what makes Lauren tick, her passion for decluttering, and why she founded Clutter Kicker. Listen here.

Clutter Kicker Featured in Redfin Article
We were thrilled to be featured in Redfin's article, "20 Stylish Yet Functional Ways to Make the Most of Small Space Living." Check out #12!

Unstuck profile in The Hartford Courant 7.17.22
Unstuck co-founders, Cindy Kane and Lauren Hass, were profiled in the Hartford Courant. Learn more about this the purpose of Unstuck, how it has impacted previous participants, and some tips you can implement on your own. Read the article here.

Clutter Kicker Featured in ApartmentGuide article
We were featured in an ApartmentGuide article!
Check it out here: 11 Ways to Keep Your
Apartment Organized With Roommates |

Lauren meets the Founder of NOKBOX
I met Maria Fiaretta. See video here.